Espen;259221 Wrote: 
> (first post in this forum, hope this is the right sub forum).
> I have always named my ripped albums to folders named like "<artist> -
> <year> - <album title>" to allow a proper chronology when listing
> folders (alfabetically) in a filesystem.
> Is it possible to do the same in a Squeezebox? I would like to see the
> same alfabetical album order when browsing in Artists -> <Some Artist>
> . Currently the albums are sorted by name ignoring the release year. (I
> want the album sort order to be by year, not name). All individual files
> (mp3 format) in a folder are tagged with the correct year, album, artist
> etc.

See bug#112 - - for the
request, to vote for it and for patches which do this.

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