radish;283787 Wrote: 
> I haven't noticed the issue you are seeing. I would point a couple of
> things out though based on what you've said so far. 
> 1) It's my understanding that the thumbnails needed for SBC display are
> generated on the server during the artwork scan, not on demand. This is
> done specifically to avoid issues like this which can spoil the
> "experience". You can check the status page to make sure the artwork
> portion of the scan is running and is taking a reasonable amount of
> time. 
> 2) From what I can tell the artwork grabs are async with the track
> listing grabs. In other words, if for some reason it is slow to get
> artwork (and I've seen that at various points in the beta process) the
> track listing still comes up quickly, but the art thumbnails are loaded
> afterwards. If you're seeing the listing itself not coming up quickly
> I'd suspect a different (though possibly related) issue.
> You said the music is on a NAS but the server is on a PC, what is the
> connection between the two? Is the server's DB and cache on the PC or
> the NAS?

Radish, thanks for your thoughts on this (I thought for a while this
thread was going to be a bit of a one sided conversation;-)

The artwork scan on SC7 has been completing successfully (I am not at
home at the moment so cant check the run time) as I can see the artwork
in various sizes via the SC7 interface.  

What I have noticed though is that if I have Show Artwork enabled on SC
(i.e. in the playlist pane), it definitely takes longer to populate than
just showing text descriptions for each track. As previously noted, this
was affecting the playback of the first few seconds of a track i.e. the
SB3 or receiver would "stutter" until the playlist (in SC) had been
fully populated with thumnails for all tracks in the playlist. This
suggested to me that on SC at least, the display of thumbnails for
tracks & subsequent playback was a synchronous process. Disabling
artwork (in the playlist) fixed the lag/stutter problem. 

What I am seeing on the controller mirrors the above problem on SC.
However, whereas disabling artwork fixed the lag issue on SC, it didnt
on the controller. When scrolling through a list of albums on the
controller, the thumbnails are being generated asynchronously as the
artwork fills in as you scroll which is a nice way of doing it.
However, selecting an album or New Music is when I see the lag.

This was the reason why I surmised that if you click on an album with
say 12 tracks, the controller was making 12 requests to SC to fetch a
thumbnail from it's cache for each track (& for albums, I would expect
every track to just use the album artwork anyway unless a different
image had been embedded in the file).

Perhaps the artwork is a red herring, or perhaps it only manifests
itselfs with wireless networks (where there is a bit more latency). I
am sure that one of the developers could answer this fairly quickly,
but am not sure how to raise this with them, short of waiting for them
to stop by the forum. I think the controller is a brilliant product (&
I realise that it will get better with each firmware release), but at
the moment, these lags do spoil the usability somewhat.

Just as an FYI, I have SC7.0.1 running on a dedicated Vista PC dual
core/2GB RAM) with a wired connection to my (Infrant) NAS. SC's cache &
db is on the PC in the default location. I have a wireless connection
from my SB3 and receiver to the PC server.

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