MrSinatra;284884 Wrote: 
> the who is therefore in your artist tag, no?

Um, "no"

That is from the -album- and The Who is listed as the artist on 91
tracks.  They are -exclusively- listed on those tracks.   On the other
4 tracks, The High Numbers are listed.  The Who is not.

Removing The Who from 91 tracks would be dumb: they performed them. 
And as I said, they are not on the other 4, so they can't be removed.

So, yes, the album will show both artists.  It would be broken if it
dropped either of the artists from the -album- display.

> regardless, i am not sure what or how your setup is done or defined,
> all i can tell you is i am using a very generic setup, (EAC, LAME, and
> Winamp) to do my tags, (and i have winamp set to NOT guess, so i see
> what is actually in the tags) and SC7 gets it wrong.
> SC7 does NOT, repeat, NOT sort by my album artist tags.

Do you -have- ALBUMARTIST tags?  Or are you talking about TPE2?

> it does DISPLAY the tag, b/c i told it to by telling it "list albums by
> band" but it does NOT sort them that way.

And mine does.

See my prior post.

Many taggers allow you to set "user text frames" which are basically
free-form tags.  (Musicbrainz uses these to insert its own identifiers,
many encoders use it to insert their own identity... it is very common
and any decent tagger should support it... I dunno about winamp's
tagging abilities, but mp3tag I know supports user text frames.)

that said, I would buy into a bug report that "TPE2 is not being
treated exactly as ALBUMARTIST is".  I am not sure on what use
displaying, but not sorting on that field would be.  That would seem

But I still say sorting by ALBUMARTIST appears to be working exactly
right for me.

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