Things have gone from bad to worse. First of all I treid listening to my
duet unsynchronised again and it is playing very choppily as if it has a
poor wireless connection (which it does). Maybe I got lucky on my first
listen. So I tried connecting my Homeplug (already had one) but could
not get the Receiver to connect via anything other than its wireless
antenna, so could not even try the Homeplug.

I then tried switching my Squeezeboxes around with interesting results.
If I put my SB3 in the living room (near the TV etc) then it works
perfectly (not tried synchronisation). If I put my Duet where my SB3
was then it's wireless signal is half that of the SB3.

So my conclusion is that the antenna on the Duet is nowhere near as
good as that on the SB3. In addition to this I cannot get it to connect
via a Homeplug so it is now unusable. I will be telephoning customer
support but this does not look promising.

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