rbl;287833 Wrote: 
> My ISP (which also has video on demand) obliges me to use their not very
> good modified SpeedTouch wireless router. 

Hi rbl

How much have you tried to use your own LinkSys router?  I suspect the
ISP one is only using some QoS for the on demand data.  If you
configured your own router, it would just mean that your internet thru
put would be slower for everything else requiring the internet at the
time you were pulling down on demand data as it would try to use the
whole bandwidth, rather than what is given to it via QoS.

You should be able to just note the login settings down and put them
into your LinkSys box and away you go.

In the UK, BT provide their own router box but you can just use your
own router without problems.  No more than setting the username/pwd to
be the same as the original router.



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