Kuro;288833 Wrote: 
> Why are you guy doing transcoding from ALAC to FLAC?  It seems more
> logical to me the software should simply just decode ALAC to WAV and be
> done with it.  Transcode is going to demand lots of CPU cycles, which
> explains the playback issue I'm having.

We transcode to FLAC to save network bandwidth.  FLAC is going to send
roughly 1/2 the data over the network as WAV.

You can change it to skip the FLAC step and send WAV to the player
using the SqueezeCenter interface.  You'll find it under *Settings >
Advanced > File Types > Apple Lossless*. 

> When I bought the Duet, it was advertised the receiver can play Apple
> Lossess, but it seems it is false advertising, as the receiver itself
> cannot play ALAC, it was SC7 that is doing the decoding.

It is not false advertising... that's an extrememly serious claim.  The
box states that ALAC is supported, not that it is decoded on the
hardware.  The User Guide and our website state that ALAC is supported
via transcoding in several places.   The bottom line is that you *can*
listen to ALAC files via the Squeezebox Receiver, just as stated on the

> Can the ALAC decoder be part of the firmware of the Squeezebox receiver?

Sorry, no.  There are a lot of reasons behind this, but the end result
is that ALAC support is handled via transcoding on the server and that
isn't likely to change in the forseeable future.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy
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