radish;289221 Wrote: 
> Because once the data hits SC it's all the same. Knowing that it works
> for one type of tag and not for another helps a lot in narrowing down
> the real issue.

ok, but understand that i don't know how flac works and that id3
(afaik) doesn't officially recognize tpe2 as an albumartist tag, so i
took the gist of his post to mean that there was no problem.  believe
me, i appreciate his help or anyones, but i am in the dark in
understanding HOW his observation helps, but i have no problem
believing it when you say it does.

again, i'd be very curious to see what flac would do if he had multiple
artists on one album (and if he removed his albumsort tags).

radish;289221 Wrote: 
> What I believe Ben was alluding to is the fact that you're asking for
> major changes to How Things Work Now(tm). In your eyes these changes
> are valid, and they very well may be (I'm not taking sides), but anyone
> who writes software knows that if you fix something for one person five
> others will complain that you broke it for them. Not just because they
> maybe liked the behaviour you consider broken, but also because any
> major change will, like it or not, have knock on effects which we
> haven't fully understood ahead of time.

i absolutely understand that, but just b/c Ben is happy with it doesn't
mean i will be.

ultimately, it should work for everyone, and the idea that we should
let it go b/c it works for some of us as is is not acceptable to me,
and i would certainly not want it left as is if it worked for me but
not others.  (what can i say, i'm an altruist)

in other words, i can understand Ben or anyone being nervous about
fixing problems, and i realize that even tho he replied to my post, he
was talking about someone elses who was saying its not worth filing
bugs, but what bothers me about what he said is that IF it is necessary
to scrap everything to create a new system that will work properly for
everyone then so be it.

this device is not sold as "flac only."

radish;289221 Wrote: 
> I write all of this to try and explain why there needs to be a lot of
> discussion and back-and-forth before anything is actually done, and why
> sometimes what seem like minor changes aren't considered such by the
> devs. This isn't a reason not to change things which are broken, but it
> is a reason to think twice (or three times) before jumping.

absolutely in total agreement there.

personally, i hink it is slims job to create a flowchart to show how
tings in a basic generic setup work regarding tags for mp3, or flac,
since SC7 is their baby and since they write it.  they know what the
expectations are, they should document them.  and that would make it
easy for all of us to either identify whats wrong with our tags, or
with SC7s handling of them.


Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / Jive - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win
XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
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