aubuti;290985 Wrote: 
> I'm pretty sure that "Forget this player" doesn't exist in SC7, though I
> forget the reason.
It definitely existed in earlier releases of SC7.0, because I've just
found an old thread where I posted that I had used it! But it seems to
have disappeared now - or at least I can't find it.

aubuti;290985 Wrote: 
> Is this a purchased SBR or one from the beta program? There was a batch
> of beta SBRs that had bad ethernet jacks, and the lack of lights at the
> SBR ethernet port and the router would be consistent with that.
It's from the beta program, but I have definitely had it running on
ethernet in the past. I suppose it's possible that in the meantime the
ethernet port has died, but that seems unlikely.

Is there an official sequence of events to follow to change from
wireless to ethernet? If so, please can someone describe it so that I
can follow exactly the right steps. (I'm hoping it doesn't involve a
factory reset of the Controller: it takes me quite a long time to reset
everything after doing one of those).

(If it's relevant, the Receiver is running firmware 22, the Controller
is running r2097, and SqueezeCenter is Version: 7.0 - 17793 - Windows
2000 - EN - cp1252).


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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