Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > The discussion of tags and their interpretation is entirely different
> > to
> > the main problem, there are too many developers here who are missing
> > the
> > other, and more important problem: usability. 
> > > > 
> I'm sorry, but I disagree.  I believe developers are very conscious
> of usability, and do a good job of catering for all people.  I don't
> believe there is a big problem with usability.  Whilst I sympathise
> with you about your problem (I'll try to help), it is a different
> problem to the one discussed in this thread.

Perhaps, but is this thread not the continuation of a thread that I
Do you want me to start an other thread? As each time I do it get
hijacked by discussion of internal representation.
Look I believe there is a major problem of usability. 
It has nothing to do with the internal representation of the band or
album artist, and every time I try to bring it up, the discussion
misses the point, and goes off on the matter of tags. 

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > Please, please, please can the issue of which tags, which version of
> > tags etc but put aside for one thread.
> > I'm afraid not - it's kind of fundamental.  Whilst a user may not want
> > to care about tags, if music doesn't have tags, they can't really hope
> > for songs to appear in the library 100% how they expect.  If some tags
> > are set (automatically when you rip them), music may appear reasonably
> > well in a library, but may need some tailoring to be perfect for how
> > *you* want them to appear.  This is likely to be the case for your
> > problem.
> > > > 

OK. I will try to clarify, again. If it turns about to be a problem
with my tags I will accept that. 
However I strongly, not very strongly believe that tags are not the

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > Can you please consider the users' perspective we don't care if the tag
> > is Band, AlbumArtist or what ever.
> > > > 
> From a users' perspective, you must appreciate that you need to set
> something in your tags for it to look correct in your library.  If
> you don't then you shouldn't care if it doesn't work 100% how you
> want it.

Yes, tags should be correct. Garbage in, Garbage out. 

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > The fact remains that stated way of working:
> > -if the album is natural compilation multiple authors and there is
> > album artist  it is listed under album artist.
> > > > 
> I don't quite understand what you mean in that sentence.

I was paraphrasing a previous post where it was stated that:
if not all of the artists on all songs are the same, and thus will
appear as album artist.

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> The album is deemed to be a compilation album if not all of the artists
> on all songs are the same, and thus will appear as album artist="Various
> Artists".

I know this is what it currently does. 
Where is that specified and what is the mechanism for changing it? 
What I'm asking for is for something different 
because this is SO broken I don't know where to start, but I'll try.

It's also open to interpretation: then album might appear under
Home->Artist->Various Artists, 
but there it is listed as being by the Album Artist. And if such an
album is listed as by Album Artist, 
would not a more sensible place for it to appear be under
Home->Artist->Album Artist ?


Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > Such an Album is still found under: Home->Artists->Various Artists
> > (albeit listed as by the album artist).
> > > > 
> If you are looking in Home -> Artists -> Various Artists, all albums
> listed in there are by album artist = Various Artists.  You won't see
> any album artists within Various Artists.
Not True. See attached image.

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > And it is not listed under Home->Artists->album artist. Where it is
> > wanted.
> > > > 
> Then fix your tags!  
> No other music library software that I have used will interpret this
> correctly either.  In fact, most other software wouldn't let you have
> multiple artists.  

iTunes. I'm not talking about multiple artist tags, just multiple
artist in one tags. Nonetheless, iTune is still bright enough to list
and sort by Album Artist. 

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> You must have tagged that song specifically to have two performing
> artists, so you must already know something about tagging.  If you'd
> not set the guest artist, the album would have been detected with album
> artist = "My Favourite Band".
> Actually, I suspect that you haven't actually defined two artists on
> the song, but one artist called something like "My Favourite Band and
> Guest Artist".
Yes! So? this is perfectly valid. 
But here's the problem. Doing so makes the "Album Artist" almost
entirely pointless. And makes the album a Compilation. This is broken.

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> > bullgod;290899 Wrote: 
> > 
> > For example:
> > My Favourite Band, creates an album called "Debut", all tracks are by
> > "My Favourite Band", the album by "My Favourite Band", but the last
> > track they are joined by "Guest Artist"
> > > > 
> That last track makes the software think that the album is a
> compilation album, because the last song isn't by the same artists as
> all of the other songs.  That is why you need to set an albumartist
> tag.  The scanner doesn't second-guess how you want that album to
> appear.

I know! This is broken! It's not a question of second guessing! I have
explicitly told the software that this whole album it to be considered
as "My 
Favourite Band" by setting the Album Artist on all tracks

Philip Meyer;290932 Wrote: 
> This is the real problem, not the internal representation of the band's
> name.
> This is your problem, caused by the information in your song tags.
> Phil

No. The problem is that SC doesn't cater for the situation where one
is different without making the whole album a compilation.

If I have 20 Albums by "My Favourite Band", How do I get to see all 20

listed under Home->Artist->My Favourite Band? 
If there is one album there is one track list as My Favourite Band and
Guest Artist. 

The only way to do this is by removing Guest Artist, from this one
Is this really what is expected to be done, when a much more sensible
solution would be to acknowledge the Album Artist that I've taken pains

to specify in my tags.

Worse still is the effect on my classical collection where, every
conductor, orchestra has to be removed before the album is listed under

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