autodiskmount does exist on my Mac but the manual for it says that it is
deprecated and only present for backward compatibility. There are mount
and umount commands. Issuing the mount command lists the mounted
volumes and the line relevant to the CD is

/dev/disk1 on /Volumes/The Visit (cddafs, local, nodev, nosuid,
read-only, noowners)

I tried using umount to unmount the CD, but I evidently did not have
the correct syntax.

I am now pretty certain that this remounting is the issue.

I did the following. Insert disk and unmount it.

>From the Terminal, type

cdda2wav dev=IODVDServices -verbose-level=toc -N -g -J

This produces sensible output.

Then did the same thing again. This time I got the complaint, similar
to the one in the last log.

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