On 1-May-08, at 7:06 PM, MrSinatra wrote:
> i disagree with the first idea as necessary or even smart to do, and i
> truly doubt it'll fix a thing.
> but hey, i could be wrong.

at the risk of causing upset, in this case, you are.  SC, SqueezeOS,  
player firmware are all part of a live system.
It's not like your typical firmware, which provides encapsulated  
features.  SqueezeCenter expects certain requests, and then provides a  
formatted response to these requests.  The controller firmware  
contains code that creates theses requests and parses the response.   
If you are not using matching firmware and SC version, you risk having  
even the simplest of queries fail.  During the beta phase, some  
upgrades were very specific as to what order you needed to do them in  
simply because doing it the wrong way would break the ability to  
complete the upgrade.

Player firmware is much the same way, but to a lesser extent.  Player  
firmware communicates via slimproto, which is much less dynamic than  
the SqueezeoS link (which is primarily based on the CLI).  Changes to  
slimproto are less frequent and less likely to break features that  
already work. This is why some users have good results forcing  
different firmware.

In both cases, it is not supported.

Now, if you really do insist on having your OWN version of "jive"  
firmware, I believe renaming the ones you want to custom.jive.version  
and custom.jive.bin will override anything that gets downloaded.

The recent rearrangemenf of svn, and the builds has kinda thrown  
everything off balance a bit.  7.1 is not horribly unstable, but is  
certainly in a state that could go either way at any time, including  
the current potential for firmware download issues.  7.0.1 is safer.   
In any case, if having firmware updates and sorting out downloads and  
caching upsets you, I would recommend staying away from downloading  
nightly.  If you are really after a fix, watch the checkins mailing  
list or your bug report until you see an update. It's never worth  
getting upset over updates, nor is it helpful to make an issue out of  
one update or another.  Priority is on updates from official release,  
to official release.  Interim does expect a bit of burden being  
carried by the users.

cheers and good luck,
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