I have owned Squeezeboxes for many years and have, from time to time,
experienced problems that required me to delve into Network
Administrator territory. I know little about computer networks and I
don't care to know anything at all about computer networks, just as I
know nothing about fuel injectors, but expect my car to start when I
turn the key.

I have always been able to eventually fix the problems with my
squeezeboxes, but this time, I've been unable to fix the problem and
it's different than any of the previous ones, in which the players
could not access slimserver. It's really getting frustrating, I'm at
wit's end and I turn to you for help.

Unlike previous problems, my two Squeezeboxes successfully connect to
slimserver. The date and time shows up on the screensaver and all
functions work, except that the music library is completely empty.

I have an eMac running OS 10.4.10. When I start Slimserver (ver.
6.5.4), and click on "Web Access", the Slimserver control panel comes
up and correctly lists the number of albums, artists and songs in my
library. I use iTunes 7.

Sometimes the Players are listed, sometimes not. Clicking on "Server
Settings" does nothing.

If I click on "playlists", the first few playlists show up, then
nothing. After this, nothing works. Clicking on "Home" does nothing.
Likewise, if I click on Player settings or any other link from the
control panel, I can access any of the setting for the players, but
clicking on "Home" does nothing.

As far as I can tell, all the IP settings are as they should be. The
port number seems to change every time I restart Slimserver.

I downloaded SqueezeCenter today and installed that, but it won't run.
I click on "Start Server" and after a few seconds, the button goes back
to "Start Server". So I went back to Slimserver 6.5.4 and even tried
6.5.0, but with the same results.

The firmware for the players is version 81.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for troubleshooting this

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