larrettp;303277 Wrote: 
> That's a shame. The thing is, I have all my music on my Mac Powerbook.
> My son and daughter each have a mac with their own music on it.
> Therefore, for all of us to be able to access a single music library,
> it needs to be centrally stored. That is why I bought the ReadyNas (as
> well as a backup location).
> Therefore, the Squeezeboxes need to point at the ReadyNas. I can't see
> anything wrong with this in principle.
> If you can suggest another way round it, I'd be happy to hear it. The
> main problem is the web interface being so slow.
What we are suggesting is that you should keep the music files on the
ReadyNAS but run SqueezeCenter on a separate machine (mac or PC). 

I'm still interested to hear exactly which parts you have performance
problems with. Are we just talking about the performance when editing
playlists or do you also have performance problems when you hit the
play button and music should start to play ?

Does the performance problem only show up when you are accessing
playlists from the web interface or do you have the same problem when
accessing them from the player interface ?


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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