BrockStone wrote:
> Anyways, my main question wasn't "please help me solve it", it was
> where does the SBR get the IP for the SC from?  It must get it from
> somewhere.  Autodiscovery?  

I don't know the technical details. I do know that my Receiver was not 
working when my WiFi network went bonkers. I have a mostly wired 
network, internal NAT, 172.16/16 address. Worked great until my Wireless 
Access Point died. So I got a new Linksys WRT54GL and tried to set it 
up. I had problems from the start. Long story short, the WRT worked fine 
as a WAP for my laptops, but not my Controller nor my Receiver.

The initial setup had the WAP assign a address, with 
routing to my 172.16 network. Neither the Controller nor the Receiver 
could find my SqueezeCenter, which had a fixed address.

It took a while before I figured out how to get DD-WRT to work as a pure 
WAP, so both the wired and WiFi side lived in the 172.16 space. Once 
that was working, life was good.

I turned on the Controller, it got a DHCP address, found the 
SqueezeCenter, did an update to the software and worked.

I plugged in my Receiver, it got a DHCP address, found the SqueezeCenter 
and started playing tunes.

It probably was a network problem, probably that my was not 
spraying messages out to the SqueezeCenter. But I'm not a serious IP 
networking guru.

So check your network, make sure its all routing properly.

And the support folks at SlimDevices are far better than the average bear.

Pat Farrell

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