letaage wrote:
> The other day I upgraded from v6.5.4 to v7.0.1 and I am having a problem
> where by 95% of the time the graphics on web interface do not load
> properly.  In fact the graphics don't seem to load at all.
> The graphics occasionally load, perhaps once out of 20 or so times, the
> rest of the time I'm left with a page full of [?] symbols, indicating
> that they didn't load properly or couldn't be located.
> The server is a Mac Mini G4 1.42GHz with 1GB RAM and the main web
> browser I am using is Safari 3.1.1, but I've also tried it with FireFox
> and both behave the same way.  I have an original Squeezebox 1,
> and despite the graphics problem, the server seems to work fine playing
> music.
> I have tried changing interface skins and all of them have the same
> problem.  I want to use the default skin if I can, it seems to me that
> at least this should work out of the box!
> I have checked installation directory on the server and the directory
> where the default skin's image files are stored and the files exist:
> /Library/PreferencePanes/SqueezeCenter.prefPane/Contents/server/HTML/Default/html/images
> The files have permissions as shown in the following example:
> -rw-r--r--   1 tom  tom   4625 29 Mar 08:51 questionmark.gif
> Also, album art does also does not load when I get the graphics loading
> problem, I get the [?] displayed with those too.  But they do load when
> the rest of the web interface graphics work.
> How can I get this to work properly??  The web interface is almost
> unusable without the graphics loading properly.  I have tried
> uninstalling it and reinstalling it, but it hasn't fixed the problem.
> Any ideas are welcome!  I'd rather not go back to v6.5.4 but at least
> that worked for me.
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom

My web browser is ok (Firefox) but so many things have changed w/ 7.0.x 
I am having similar problems with some client code I wrote.

I would suggest to flush your browser's cache - or force a reload - just 
in case.

However, I don't think this is the problem.  What I noticed is that 
squeezecenter is using java for some of the web pages.  I would check if 
you have it installed (something a little difficult for linux boxes as, 
I think, Sun keeps changing where java is stored - just read the 
directions for the version your are installing and make sure the older 
versions are not getting in the way).

Also, you can check if the images are available (that you don't have 
something turned off) by pulling the images directly w/your web browser:
> http://localhost:9000/music/2504/cover

Where 2504, in this example, is the track id of a track on the album. 
And localhost assumes you are using the same computer to run 
squeezecenter as well as your browser.  Otherwise use the IP of the 
computer running squeezecenter. If you don't know where to find a track 
id number just try a couple of numbers until you hit upon one with cover 

Anyone else have more idea?

Hum, I just checked an older version of slimserver (6.3.0) and it uses 
java as well.  Still, might want to check to make sure your browser is 
supporting such features as java.

some differences I've seen:
-cover file name does not need an extension (i.e. gif, png ...)
-if you specify an extension the image will be translated to that format
-you can specify size now in the file name (i.e. cover_100x100)
-you can find out if an album has cover art (i.e. the "J" tag in certain 
CLI commands)
-the image type meta data now always matches the pulled image
-order of CLI tag field is different for some if not all CLI responses

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