Patrick Dixon;308499 Wrote: 
> You can of course buy more SB3s as they are not dependent on SC7.Not a 
> chance. If Logitech aren't committed to the product line, why
should I be?
Patrick Dixon;308499 Wrote: 
> I'm sure if you look through all the bugs you'll find that there are
> quite a few things listed - it's common practice for people/companies
> to prioritise their approach to fixing things and maybe your particular
> issue (although clearly important to you) doesn't rank as high in the
> wider scheme.Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Bugs are prioritised and dealt with accordingly. I do not work for SD
> and cannot speak authoritatively for them, but it is likely that this
> is a low priority issue (doesn't affect many people; component affected
> is non-core, i.e. not hardware).I'm not so much concerned that they haven't 
> fixed it, more that they've
failed to provide any update despite specific requests to do so.
Patrick Dixon;308499 Wrote: 
> If you have a workaround (run standalone), then why not just do that?Because 
> that relies on having a copy of the software at the remote
location which is why it's supposed to run in a browser in the first

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Displaying attitude like that will not help your cause.It's an unfortunate 
> fact of forum life that the fanboys will dismiss
reports of bugs on the basis that "it works for me so it must be your
fault". If you're not one of them then no need for you to take offence.
;)Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Did you try a later build - 7.0.2 or even the latest from 7.1 branch?Having 
> confirmed that the bug exists, I don't really feel inclined to
continually try new builds on the off chance that it might be fixed.
Besides, as I've already said, given the apparent level of other
significant bugs in Squeezcenter, I have no intention of installing it

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