rbz5416 wrote:
> Patrick Dixon;308499 Wrote:
>> You can of course buy more SB3s as they are not dependent on SC7.
> Not a chance. If Logitech aren't committed to the product line, why 
> should I be?

So, you have a relatively obscure issue that probably doesn't affect 
many users and which is therefore likely a low priority to SD and, 
because it's not getting the attention *you* feel it should have you 
extrapolate from that that "Logitech aren't committed to the product 
line"? Ha ha haha .

rbz5416 wrote:
> Robin Bowes Wrote:
>> Displaying attitude like that will not help your cause

> It's an unfortunate fact of forum life that the fanboys will dismiss
>  reports of bugs on the basis that "it works for me so it must be
> your fault". If you're not one of them then no need for you to take 
> offence. ;)

Mmm, nope, the smiley doesn't help. I find your attitide offensive. I'm
not a "fanboy", just a happy user + contributor.

Robin Bowes Wrote:
>> Did you try a later build - 7.0.2 or even the latest from 7.1 
>> branch?Having confirmed that the bug exists, I don't really feel 
>> inclined to
> continually try new builds on the off chance that it might be fixed.
>  Besides, as I've already said, given the apparent level of other 
> significant bugs in Squeezcenter, I have no intention of installing 
> it again.

Ah, I see. Well, you'd better just sit tight and hope someone fixes it 
for you. Or perhaps you could try stamping your feet a bit more - it 
won't get things fixed any quicker, but it might make you feel better.


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