1.  Takes forever to load (may apply only to "default" skin)
2.  Unstable (causes browser--Firefox--to lock up repeatedly) -- (also
may apply only to "default" skin)
3.  Can't recognize m3u files.  Won't list them, can't see them, won't
play them.
5.  Always getting messages like this:

"403 Forbidden: settings/server/behavior.html

"In order to request this URL from a Bookmark/Favorite, or some means
other than following a link from the SqueezeCenter web interface, you
will need to use a URL with a \"cauth\" security parameter. If you
received this error when following a link from the SqueezeCenter web
interface, you will want to make sure your web browser software
(including proxy servers and spyware/privacy software) is allowing
\"Referer\" headers to be sent. Below is the appropriate URL for the
URL you attempted.


"Because your CSRF protection level is set at 'MEDIUM', you can use the
same ";cauth=" value for any URL; this means you should be more careful
who you share your URLs with."

lenehey's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12110
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=48646

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