You might want to try a different title next time - how about "Having
problems with SqueezeCenter, please help".

There are lots of reasons why SC is better than older versions of SS,
but you're obviously not going to appreciate them if it won't even run
for you!

A couple of suggestions:

- you've not said which version of SC7 you are running.  The latest
7.0.1 released? Go to settings-status and report back the "SueezeCenter
Version" string

- when you say it won't recognise M3U files, what exactly do you mean?
Are you sure the M3U files are in the right folder you specified at
setup? Did they work in earlier versions of SS? Have a look in bugzilla
( : search for M3U, there are a few specific bugs
listed there, see if any seem to apply to your situation

- if you don't like the default skin you can always try another one.
But it shouldn't take for ever to load. What hardware setup do you


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