I pre-ordered the Duet, so I've had mine for as long as anyone, other
than the beta testers.  Mine worked great out of the box and I've had
next to no problems with it.  I can recall only two issues I've had.
One problem was that the controller got stuck in a loop where it kept
trying to do firmware updates, which would fail, and then it would try
again.  There was an easy workaround for this issue posted on the
forums, so I probably only spent 5-10 minutes on it.

The other issue was that with some of the earlier builds, my SBC would
randomly reboot occasionally.  It never interrupted the music, and in
every case it was back up and running before I really needed to use it
again anyway.  I haven't observed this problem in some time, though.
Anyway, I spent no time fiddling on account of this, although I did
spend a few minutes searching the forums about it.

So, let's tally up.  I'll be generous and say I've spent 20 minutes
fiddling.  I've owned the Duet for, what, 3 months now maybe?  3
months * average of 30 days per month * 24 hours per day * 60 minutes
per hour = 129600 minutes of ownership, roughly.  Of course, I wasn't
listening all of that time, but I do listen quite a bit.  To be
conservative, I'll say I listened to it 10% of the time.  So 12960
minutes of listening, 20 minutes of fiddling.... Looks like (roughly)
a 1:648 ratio of fiddling to listening.

Even better than my SB experiences, to be honest.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Howard Passman
> Seems to be folks are pretty happy with the SB2 and 3.  Maybe I should
> have asked more specifically about the DUET since that what I'm using.
> Howard
> --
> Howard Passman
> Sorry slow to respond.  I don't spend that much time online.
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