gusi;318606 Wrote: 
> I was just thinking of the VU on cassette recordings where you were
> supposed to keep the recording level below zero for minimum distortion.

That's not quite true and is just one of the many reasons why many
cassette recordings sound so bad. Ideally the average VU meter reading
should sit as close to zero as possible with the peaks going into the
red zone, but not too far into the red and not all the time. The higher
the quality of tape being used the greater the dynamic range available,
meaning the higher or louder the loudest passages can be recorded while
still being able to hear the quieter passages without tape hiss. Using
too low a setting will result in a recording that is a bit hissy since
the quieter passages are recorded below the tape hiss "noise" floor.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2

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