Sorry to hear you're having problems, but I'm not sure this is a
Squeezecenter generated error - certainly that isn't a wording I have
ever seen before.  And Squeezecenter isn't capable of overwriting file
or track names, or do you mean that there's a kind of pop-up message
which fills up the screen?  Can you post a screenshot? 

Important question - have you tried to open Squeezecenter for remote
access (eg so you can play your music from work), or have you opened up
any ports in your router at all (if running wireless).  If so, and you
haven't properly secured those ports, there are ways that people can
search on the internet to find your Squeezecenter instance and access
it.  Not going to list them here, but it is possible.  It may be that
someone is having some fun at your expense.

Either way, you need to secure your computer - fast.  I would shut down
SC, disconnect whatever is running SC from your network and run a full
virus scan.  Then you need to close down whatever ports you have opened
up in your router to the outside world (assuming you are connecting via
a router) so at least your system is secure.

If you really want to open up your Squeezecenter to remote access (and
it's not really designed with this in mind, so there is an inherent
risk if you decide to to do this) you should really do this via an SSH
or VPN, see 'this long discussion'
with some useful tips.

I note that the wiki is now giving instructions to achieve remote
access without mentioning any of these issues - serious error IMHO and
I'll do some editing.


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