I think you are right about a crossplatform issue and you also seem
experienced in dealing with bug reports.

To me, it's sadly a too common scenario I have been often through: 
get a new toy, does not work 100%,the developers do not acknowledge it,
then waste days surfing forums,FAQ's, Knwoledge base, etc. while
doubting myself.

Hell, shouldn't these things work out of the box?
My old Roku 1000 did, it was soft upgrades screwig it up after, and how
did the Roku update the library, coz, there was nothing to set, and new
music was always available instantly.
It must have been monitoring constantly my iTunes folder. If it had an
RF remote with display, I may have stuck with it.

Back to the Squeezebox Duet, I am not sure of the bug extent, some
reported scanning stops after 2000 albums, I think one guy was saying
his scanning does not stop....

My setup (MacBook Pro-Tiger 10.4, iTunes) had some 1400 albums
containing some 11000 tracks, automatic rescan never worked, I set it
to 1 hour and watched, nothing was happening. Manual rescan always
Now at home, will have some 3000CD's to enter in the library, will that
bring up more problems I wonder.

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