Hi Michael,

thanks for your quick response, here the further information:

>What do you mean by false results? Do you get results, but they're

No, I mean SBC shows the same behavior with the title search in huge
- no connection to SC
- wlan indicator switches to blue
- after reboot of SBC and restart of SC (or waiting for SC to come back
after a awful long time) it works again with the same behavior. 

>Does the system hang permanently? Does SC crash? Or does it just take
>awful long time to return?

The system always hang after a search with sbc where a lot of hit are
expected. For example, if I start a title search with the infrared
remote on Transporter for "WHO" I get 288 hits listed in about 5 sec.
If I try the same on the SBC with Transporter as selected player, the
following behavior happens:

1. SBC displays "Suchvorgang gestartet" (searching)
2. Transporter interrupt with playing the actual title
3. SBC displays "Verbindung mit Server" (connection to Server)
4. SBC displays "Verbindungsproblem" (connection problem) with th
follwing option
- "Erneut versuchen" (try again)
- "Musikquelle wählen" (choose music source)
5. Actual title is displayed as screensaver, but Transport does not
play it
6. After 7 minutes Transporter interruptly plays music from the next
playlist song for some seconds, stops playing, start playing again for
seconds and then timed out for 13 min. After round 20 min. Transporter
continue with music playing. 
7. SBC shows the old actual title from the time where the search was
8. In the main menue SBS shows a blue w-lan indicator
9. I switch off and restart SBC
10. SBC is "Connecting to Transporter"
11. Transporter interrupt and stops playing the actual title
12. after 5 min. SBC still try to connect to Transporter. Transporter
is still not playing music
13. After round 15 min Transportr start playing again for several
minutes, but interrupt several time and the continue without
14. SBC after 45 min. still try connecting to Transporter
14. At this point I will pass you the server.log

Some more Information:
- When I use Transporter infrared remote or SC Web Interface there is
no such problem at all
- Music Library collected with iTunes 7.7 (about 85.000 title)
- Music source on ReadyNAS NV+, X-Raid, 1GB RAM (mapped as M:/Musik)
- SC imported music library from iTunes, 
- SC runs on XPSP2 Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz, 3GB RAM
SqueezeCenter Informationen

SqueezeCenter-Version: 7.1 - 21967 @ Tue Jul 22 01:03:27 PDT 2008 -
Windows XP - DE - cp1252
IP-Adresse des Servers:
Perl-Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL-Version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Plattformarchitektur: 586
Hostname: syntrak
Server-Portnummer: 9000
Anzahl erkannte Player: 1


Name: Transporter
Modell: transporter
Firmware: 50
Die IP-Adresse für diesen Player ist:
Die MAC-Adresse für diesen Player ist: 00:04:20:10:0b:63
Spannung: 233

SqueezBox Controller:

Jive Version 7.1 r2704 (r2722 tested but same behavior)

> server.log might be even more important.

Here is the cutout of server.log from 24.07.2008
(From my view there is no logging of the problems, there is no entry
from the  test timeframe listed above from 22:00 to 23:30) 

[08-07-24 02:34:37.4533] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::init (102)
Warning: No DNS servers responded, falling back to OpenDNS.
[08-07-24 02:39:14.0793]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 02:40:07.1191]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 02:42:26.6746]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 02:44:12.3567]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 02:44:21.7555]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 02:48:45.1578]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 03:00:21.0513]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 03:02:14.7992]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 03:02:37.8602]
Slim::Control::Commands::playlistcontrolCommand (1567) Begin Function
[08-07-24 19:51:57.4644] Slim::Hardware::IR::executeButton (999) Error:
Subroutine for irCode: [arrow_right.hold] does not exist!

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