Was yesterday a good Thursday or a bad Thursday?

Very belated: I do have a pgp key, but I receive very little encrypted mail, so my email setup is not optimized for dealing with it (I use geary for most of my mail, which doesn't support gpg; when I get encrypted mail I need to switch to evolution). Overall if you wanted to send me an encrypted message I'd give you my cell (+1 413 636 1352) and tell you to send me a Signal message :)

If you still want to send me encrypted mail, my key is listed on keyservers by step...@snowdrift.coop and s...@smichel.me. Fingerprint is 642D CB46 D472 8806 1B9B
7F35 6FC6 59B5 2A14 5DE3

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 11:34 AM, mray <m...@mray.de> wrote:

On 10.03.2016 01:20, Stephen Michel wrote:
 ...please email me your general availability.

Hello Stephen,

I'm generally available about 19:30 - 01:00 UTC+2, where Thuesday and
about every second Thursday are probably bad for me. I hope this is helpful.

Thank you for caring about all the organizational stuff!

(do you usa PGP key btw?)


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