On Tuesday 01 March 2005 07:04, Richard Doherty wrote:
> As someone who has switched from Mic***oft Office to
> OpenOffice.org, 


> and is trying to encourage others in my field 
> (environmental engineering) to do the same,

You rock!

> I have a "wish list" 
> for some things that would make the switch to Open Office go even
> more smoothly for folks in my profession:
> 1) It would be great if there were an easier way to tell Calc
> what sheets of a spreadsheet were to be printed.  

Did you try file > print > and then select pages corresponding to 
the sheet numbers, separated by commas.  Anyone else try this?  I 
never have, but I'll be it works.  

Also, you will probably get more hits on your question at 

Also, try browsing the archives for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Also, here is a link for places that you can get answers:


> Also, when I 
> hit print, I often get the sheet that's on the screen, plus one
> or more other sheets that I didn't need.

tools > options > spreadsheet > print then check suppress printing 
of empty sheets and print only selected pages.  Those boxes should 
be checked by default, which I personally consider a bug, and I bet 
it is going to be fixed in OOo 2.0  

> 2) It would be great if there were more border types to choose
> from in a Calc spreadsheet.  Many tables we produce need a double
> border on the outside, fine lines in the interior, and medium
> lines to separate the main sections of the table.

Can't help you there, sorry.   :-/

Also, here is a link for a list of free tech support that you can 
get with OOo and other open source software:


> I love OpenOffice.org, and I want it to be used by everyone, and
> that is the motivation for my comments.  I do not have the
> programmiing skills to help with the heavy lifting, but I can
> help spread the word around.  Having the features listed above
> (or some of them anyway) would help alot in "selling" folks in my
> business on the benefits of OpenOffice.

If you like to talk about open source software, you can tell people 
about several movies that already exist on the subject:  
"Revolution OS", and "The Code" and I am producing a film called 
"The Digital Tipping Point".  Our goal is that after folks see the 
film, they might come to our site and find an open source project 
that they like, and join that project.  

> Thanks for reading, for giving the world OpenOffice, and for
> anything you can do!

Actually, marketing is a crucial way of helping, so if you like to 
talk about open source, simply mentioning it to people who might 
not know about it is certainly helpful.  

> Richard Doherty
> Engineering & Consulting Resources, Inc.

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