On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 10:35:21 +1100, Simon Lilburn
> To get to the point, I'm wondering if I can make quite a large
> suggestion for the future of OOo (2.5, 3.0 onward) for the incorporation
> of another office suite-style application. My top three open-source
> programs (as far as usage goes) are Firefox, OOo and KeyNote-- all of
> which I use constantly on a daily basis. My problem stems from the fact
> that whilst Firefox and OOo are all on Linux (which I'm planning on
> switching full-time on to), KeyNote is only on Windows. [BTW, I'm
> talking about the open-source program called KeyNote at
> http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html , not the Apple presentation
> software].
> Basically, the software is a three-paned, tabbed, tree-based notepad for
> taking lots of notes that need to be organized in a very structural way;
> something which word processors just can't do. For research (both as a
> writer and as a student), I find it second-to-none.

I would love to see some kind of organization component in OOo.
Perhaps a combination of MS Binder, MS OneNote, and this KeyNote thing
could be done.
I have not used any of these apps, but I understand the concepts:
MS Binder has a document that contains other office documents. In this
document, you can categorize sort and organize your documents.
MS OneNote allows hand-written notes if you have a tablet PC and it
helps categorize and organize your notes allowing 'drag-n-drop' of
selections of text from IE and it automatically puts the URL reference
with the notes. All of the notes are indexed as well so you can search
all your notes pretty easily, including the handwritten ones. It also
provides a handy TODO list type thing.
KeyNote is described above.

So perhaps a new component "NoteKeeper" or something like that is a
"Binder" like document that stores a collection of other documents and
categorizes/organizes them with an index feature that indexes all of
the contents of this "binder". A 'sticky note' template could be
provided for writer that would not be 'page-based' per say but is just
a storage location for information. The reference feature where you
can drag text into OOo, dragging from say firefox with an "OOo Notes"
extension, which then automatically adds the reference to
bibliographic. Perhaps some kind of integration with something like
sunbird could be worked so that it's not just OOo files either. You
could then include TODO lists or calendars from say Mozilla sunbird
(lightning) or links to e-mails from thunderbird, all with a nice
search feature.

A lot of the backend work is already done to implement something like
this. It could be based off of Base (maybe?) which already includes
embeded Writer docs as forms and reports, and then you'd need to
change the UI (I'm working on my Silver Onion project which should
make this easier silveronion.blogspot.com) to be more organization
oriented. and some kind of addin would need to be done for integration
with things like thunderbird/sunbird (lightning), possibly evolution,
firefox/Mozilla/other browser add-ins. It could be really great. When
doing this it'd be great to base stuff that we incorporate on other
OSS products so that we can borrow code, possibly increasing the
developer base that works on OOo components.

I'm not suggesting that this will be a small project however. I'm also
not suggesting that I have time to do this. I'm already spending more
time than I should on the Silver Onion to help OOo and I wouldn't have
the time necessary to research this. I am suggesting that I would love
to see this as I've gotten so close to purchasing OneNote several
times for it's note taking, searching, and researching features.

> I don't believe software like this (maybe OneNote comes slightly close)
> has been incorporated into Office software yet, and I think this is
> OOo's chance to add a another program into the stable of what an office
> suite is. And, from what very little I know about software development,
> I believe most of the capabilities are already within OOo; they are just
> not structured in this way.

I completely agree. See my description above.

> Well, sorry for posting a long one and keep up the good work.

Oh? was it long? It looks quite short compared to the long-winded
e-mails I write.


PS: Are there any feature requests already in IssueZilla for something
like this? Sounds like a good feature request candidate to me.

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