On Wednesday 23 March 2005 05:19, Mr Rigel Anrndt wrote:
> This may be better directed at the Developer Community but I thought I'd
> start simple, so as not get to get laughed off the list.
> Can any developers who subscribe to this list and the developers list and
> have participation in the OOo development tell me if:
> A: There are any plans to upgrade the OOo backbone to support the .NET
> framework?

.Net is effectively like most other programming languages - all it needs is a 
bridge ro the UNO component for OOo to understand it. I think that one of the 
Debian guys is working on a bridge for Mono (which is the GNU euiqalent 
of .NET - or some such thing).

> B: There are any plans to upgrade the memory and file handling to "managed
> code"?
"managed code" means exactly what ?

> Bearing in mind of course, these are both Windows related questions. I'm
Untrue. Mono is platform agnostic.

> simply curious. I find that some of the programs I run on my computer,
> royaly mess with OOo, ESPECIALLY OO Base... And naturaly, vice versa.
To me this sounds like a bug, but only if you provide a bug report will the 
developers be able to fix it, can you please report this in issuezilla ? 
( http://openoffice.org -> "Register", then when you receive a confirmation 
email, "Login" and "File an issue" )
In this way the relevant developers will see your bug report / suggestion and 
you will also see the progress of this feature / bug report if it is 

> If anyone has clues into these two progressions can they let me know? Would
> my questions or suggestions be of any value on the devleopers list?
Not in their current state.

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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