Jacqueline McNally wrote:

> Yes, but look at all the projects that do, particularly those 
> development projects in which we are currently discussing:
> http://projects.openoffice.org/accepted.html

You can't get to the mailing lists from there.

Again, the point isn't that it's not possible. But that the lists are more 
deeply hidden. It's not black and white. It's a dark shade of gray.

> I think you have picked the only project or category that does not have 
> a link to the mailing lists :)

Indeed, it's the only one I've seen. It just happens to be one I need to 
see relatively often.

> The general mailing lists (not project specific) are listed on 
> http://www.openoffice.org/mail_list.html

I think it should also list project-specific lists. Or at least, the 
primary lists for each project. I'm pretty use it used to.

> This is where the allfeatures@openoffice.org is listed that you were 
> looking for.

Okay, I see it. The description doesn't say that it's supposed to be for 
coordinating how a specification gets implemented. It says that it's for 
announcing new features. So I'm not surprised most people haven't joined.

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