What is the best way to enlighten the large population of end users that there are applications that track and report on all their activties and that OOo is not one of them?

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

How in the world is that the responsability of the Firewall to know?

The application vendor (OOo) would contact the firewall vendor.

There are many windows applications and systems that "phone home", (e.g. WMP, RealPlayer, MS-Explorer, MS-Office 2003), but I assume the firewall lets that slide or gives a placating warning since there is no mainstream consumer complaint regarding those applications.

And how do you think that would make any difference to Joe Six Pack.

The tone of the firewall's response sets the tone of the end user's reaction, since most people (even many admins) don't know anything about firewalls, not even the concept behind them.

The issue is on the user to blame not the firewall, if you ask the firewall to warn u when some app tries to connect to the internet to warn you.

And the stupid user's response is usually guided by the tone of the warning. There are millions of users. There are a small, shrinking handful of firewall vendors for MS systems. Dealing with the small group (vendors) will ameliorate the symptoms we are discussing in the large group (users). It's simple return on investment.

This happens on Linux too, you can blacklist your apps and notify on calls,
thats all it happens.

That implies that the user has taken action. I thought were are talking about those that do not customize their firewalls.

If the user is stupid and uneducated, no app in this known universe will make it smart.

I agree.  Stupid is forver.  Ignorance, in contrast, can usually be cured.
How do you propose to enlighten said end user?

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