Just a note, do not ever trust any program with your information longer than you have to. They all have the possibility of locking up unexpectedly. The cause could be a program bug, the OS, another program or an unexpected interaction of the program and the OS. Save after every major change that you would not want to have to recreate. Save while you're thinking of what to type next.
I have used many programs (drawing, wordprocessing, spreadsheet, core accounting) over the past 20+ years. They have all locked up at one time or another. They never do it when you are ready for it. Especially beta versions should not be trusted.
I hope you can understand this and will continue trying OpenOffice.org.
Alex Janssen

adrian Greeman wrote:

I spent three hours working on an article in Writer this afternoon - and then 
it crashed for no apparent reason (the only fault i have being that I had not 
yet saved the document and it was still not labelled.)

Anyway I got the error repot message which I filled in and then it said it 
would recover the document.

But it did not. Nothing happened.

1000 words vanished and three hours work.

Do I keep using it? NO way can I take the chance. And I am very disappointed 
because I want to.

But I am not suffering that again.

It was version 1..9.87



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