Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> M. Fioretti wrote:
> ...
> > Just a comment: reporting is often simply NOT possible in the
> > right way, that is filing an issue with the document causing
> > the problem attached to it, or put online. Because many of the
> > things not converted perfectly (*complex* formulas or tables)
> > are found in patent applications, internal financial reports
> > and similar things that you just *cannot* send outside the
> > company.
> if you trust developers, you can file an issue, but send document
> directly to the developer, instead of attaching it to the issue 
> ;)

Uh??? Sorry, I thought I had been clear enough when I wrote "cannot"
above, and then added:

> incompatibilities show up exactly in those areas which would be
> vital to convert PHBs, but cannot be legally disclosed to fix the
> problem

It couldn't matter less if I trust the developer, or *how* (filed,
emailed, etc...) the file exits the company. It must not. I have
committed in writing, as basically everybody else in any salaried
job, to *NOT* send internal documents out of the office without
written authorization from my manager and/or signed NDA from the
receiver. So what do you think would happen in the real world?

That I or anybody else go to the manager saying "excuse me, could
I ask for an NDA to these unknown guys with which we have no
business relation and no present need to have it, so they can fix
their own software which I was never officially told to use on the
job in the first place"?

And this without even considering that, for all you know, I could
be using OO.o while working for some direct competitor of SUN...

That's why the problem (incompatibilities in complex documents) is
self perpetuating.

A more realistic solution, assuming SUN didn't think of it already,
could be to grab all the .doc patent applications they have in house,
open them with OO.o and see what happens. Repeating ad libitum with
all the .doc academic/mathematic/financial papers freely available
online. Without wasting more time to fix the simple shopping list
or letter.

Not that I think it would be the best thing to do, but it would be

Marco F.

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