Pavel Janík wrote:
>    From: Alexandro Colorado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 00:58:45 +0300
>    > We can ask the question again, why does the patches don't get
>    > accepted?
> Are they submitted at all? Your question should be: "Why *submitted*
> patches are not accepted?".
> The answer is: There are several possibilities:
> - patch is wrong thus the developer gets info what to change
> - patch is OK, but in wrong time (see Joerg's mail)
> - patch is OK and in time -> it is accepted.

Thanks for pointing this out, Pavel. IMHO it is necessary to see that
not every patch can be treated the same way - and not every patch is a
good one.

Moreover a lot of patches we get can't be applied without additional
work. Some of them have been created on outdated versions (f.e. the
stable release, but we have to apply it to the development branch) or
don't have the necessary quality, so additional code work is necessary.
In every case the patch must be tested on all relevant platforms,
sometimes specs or documentation have to be changed etc.

But the biggest problem indeed is what Joerg pointed out: people don't
understand that the patch can be accepted, but only for the current
development line, not for the "stable" version.

A very good example for this is the Gnome File Dialog integration into
OOo. We got a "patch" for this, first without any specification and
(obviously) only little QA work done. Though this created a lot of
problems on our side and it arrived somewhat late (for such a big
feature that was not completely done at that time) we accepted it for
the next release (OOo2.0). In spite of several months of additional
coding also on our site and a lot of QA work done by us the
implementation of the feature still does not have a quality that makes
it acceptable for real production work, so we had to disable it by default.

Another problem: the first version of the new WP filter contained a
nasty bug that lets OOo crash when any file without an extension was loaded.

This does not mean that we shouldn't accept such patches/features, but
examples like these clearly show that accepting patches can't not be
done by taking the code and applying it to the code base.

That said, I see it as unfair not to respect that developers hesitate to
accept changes for the current stable release. I as a "core" developer
can't hack something into this codebase just because I like it because
we want to maintain the release and its quality with a *manageable*
effort - why should other developers get a privilege that the "core"
developers don't have (and they don't have it for a reason)?

Moreover, I for myself can't just add something even to the current
developer release without going through some processes (like
requirements analysis, specification etc.). I know and support that this
shouldn't be necessary for "external" developers to the same extent, but
OTOH it should be respected that we need to judge received patches

I know that some OOo distributors are not so reluctant - but I also know
that from time to time there are complaints about strange things that
happen in OOo, but not in the "official" version, only in some special
breeds. It will be interesting how this works out in the long run.

And BTW, OOo is not the only OS project that suffers from problems with
external contributions. I'm a diligent reader of the Mozilla newsgroups
or mailing lists (developers and users), and there are a lot of
complaints about the slow acceptance of patches also. Moreover, the
general willingness to work on fixes for bugs brought up by the
community seems to be even lower than in case of OOo (though we all know
that in our case it's also possible to improve it :-)).

This tells me that there is a general problem of complex OS projects
that are mainly done by a core development team. The complexity of the
software (this is different to the complexity/opacitiy of the code
base!) makes if necessary that the development process must be managed
in a way that usually has been developed over years.

As I read some time ago, a project like KOffice that is developed in a
more open way (f.e. because it already started as an open project) also
complains that they get too few developers - maybe this can show us that
this is not a result of missing "opennness", but mainly a result of the
complexity of the software that lets developes shrink back from it?

"Free" developers very often prefer smaller projects, just because it's
easier to enter them, it's easier to understand them, it's easier to add
own contributions (and get the credits :-)). I think that's quite
understandable and of course it's OK, but that should be seen when we
are discussing contributions to OOo (or the lack of them).

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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