Quoting Gary Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Lars D. wrote:
That is really great news. Gary, can you post a URL for a press release after the voting is complete on Saturday or Sunday?

Hi Lars,

Yes, we will all be celebrating on Saturday.  We are now at 20% (68 out
of 341 delegates in favor of the OpenDocument).  From here we can pretty
much coast into Saturday's close of the ballot.  There are no negative
votes yet.  Not even from Microsoft.

OASIS has planned a press release, which i'll forward to the community.

One of the things i need to discuss with the community though are the
various issues i have with OASIS.  Well, these are actually issues that
the community has with OASIS.

Basically i think they (OASIS) have recently undergone some significant
changes, and might now be considered hostile to Open Source Communities.
  The new OASIS IPR policy is but one of the issues that troubles me.
But let's save the garbage till after Saturday.  Today we are heading
for a major triumph.  A hard won victory for the future of Internet
based collaborative computing.  An Open Source success with Open
Standards that will reverberate for years to come.

And we are on the cusp of a major change in how the volumes of mankind's
knowledge can be created, stored, worked, and re purposed for centuries
to come.  The age of a structured, portable, universal file format that
is cross platform, inter application, and collaborative Internet ready
is at hand.

Ready the champagne my friends.  I think we've crossed that first, most
difficult, hurdle.

-Lars Lars Nooden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP: http://wwwdb.europarl.eu.int/ep6/owa/p_meps2.repartition?ilg=EN

I wonder if mycrosoft respond to all this EU validating OASIS as the standard
has to do with the recent exposure of METRO
Alexandro Colorado
Co-Leader of OpenOffice.org Spanish

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