On Wednesday 04 May 2005 03:23, Jonathon Coombes wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 00:55 -0700, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> > Jonathan, *
> >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > I have put together some basic information regarding the
> > > OpenOffice.org knowledgebase. I am intending to post this
> > > once a month at the most, to let people know of its
> > > availability. Please feel free to send comments on any of
> > > the materials or suggestions for improvements.
> >
> > This is terrific news!
> >
> > [big snip][
> >
> > > 8. What if there is no match for my question?
> > > Contribute the question anyway so that it can be added to the
> > > knowledgebase. Then submit your question to the users mailing
> > > list at www.openoffice.org. This functionality is in the
> > > process of being automated to make it simpler for new users.
> >
> > What technology is being used here?  Also, perhaps we can begin
> > to think of sending people to the KB once it is formally up.
> The technology for managing mailing to the user list etc will be
> my own invention. :)
> The technology in the actual knowledgebase in a synaptic network
> model which functions parallel that of our understanding of the
> brain's functionality. It takes some effort to setup, but once
> going, it seems to work well.

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for this very brilliant website.  As luck would have it, the 
website did not correctly answer my two questions (How do I make a 
header? or How do I turn off autocorect?) but the interesting thing 
is that it *did* answer some other questions that had been 
bothering me, such as how to turn manually formatted text into a 
style.  So not only was the program useful, but it is also clear 
even to a simple end user like me that this program probably has 
the ability to learn, and will get better as it is used!  So I 
think that this is fantastic! 

Does Microsoft offer a free service like this for Office?  I am 
betting that this is a service that we have that Microsoft does NOT 
have!  If someone could answer this question, I would really 
appreciate it, because I am going to link Jonathan's Marvelous 
Machine to the Digital Tipping Point when Jonathan says that it is 

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