Peter Reaper 18:22 2005-05-31:
>Subject: [discuss]  Re: Ten Things That Still "Bug" Me About OpenOffice
>Morgan Olsson on 31.05.2005 16:00 wrote:
>>Quy can quickly type the command; for me on Swedish version it is 
>>Alt+s,k,b,[Enter] for "zoom to page width"
>That's *more* cumbersome.

It depends om what how your habits are.  Takes time to reach for a mouse.

>>Put it in a macro if you wish.
>I don't always need the same zoom level. Are you suggesting I create several 
>(3/5/8) macros and then create buttons that access the macros and then place 
>those buttons on my toolbar? 

Again, i prefer keyboard. Made lots of macros with logical hierarchy for a 
drawing program once upon a time, and that really was quick.

>You only the third person to point out my mistake. :-[

When i answered your mail i had not recieved other answers.

>Well, just look at OOo's market share compared to Word or WordPerfect. That 
>should give you an indication beyond your personal experience. ;-)

All persons except one i introduced OOo to have switced.
How many have you switched from OOo to Word/Wordperfect/whatever?

>I am talking mainly about *Writer*, which is what most users are interested in.

It appears, when introducing them to Draw, some use it insted of Word, if they 
before was making posters, cards, signs whatever in Word (some really do that 
in word...)

>BTW: Word97 is ancient. MS is at Word 2002 now, which is drastically improved 
>(but still sucks compared to WordPerfect).

>PS. Why wasn't your text wrapped while I was composing my reply?

Because i have no way of telling everybodys mail readers line lengths and 
character widths and make everyone special mails cut special places.

Plus, deep nested replays made with diffferently broken lines which make a 
mess.  If line breaking is used some mail programmay break a line, and when 
that s replied to extra identation makes that line longer and it happens it is 
broken again making a single word line between longer lines - ugly.

It may also intriduce *errors* in the information where "ASCII-art" is used!  
(often used in electronics list i participate)

Different mail readers handles this different ways.

> I sure hope it *posts* as wrapped. :-\

Fortuately it now wraps as every reader wants, clearly readable even in narrow 
windows. :)
 (if you have a working mail reader)

PS You really need to learn different people have different needs!  DS

Morgan Olsson, Kivik, Sweden

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