On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 20:54:31 +0100, Tony Pursell wrote:

> On 6 Jul 2005 at 3:25, Greg Bulmash wrote:
>> Mail Merge: With Microsoft it's simple.  Create a table or spreadsheet,
>> use the first row as headers, and then just punch in the data in the
>> following rows.  The headers are taken as field names when you do a mail
>> merge.  If they don't match a predefined set, no problem.  It's easy to
>> plug in your custom fields.
> Sorry eveyone, but I just have to agree 100%.  Even in 2.0, OOo doesn't
> come near Word97 when it comes to mail merge.  I use OOo for all my
> general word processing, but always go back to Word 97 for any mail merge
> work.
> Tony Pursell

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