on 07/23/05 16:14 'M. Fioretti' wrote:

On Sat, Jul 23, 2005 15:27:52 PM -0500, Steve Kopischke

Have you begun following the periodic threads about this topic?

Why, yes, for some years now, and I'm getting quite annoyed by the
constant lack of good manners or (much more often) simple
thoughtlessness.  Especially because:

1) you got this backwards:

There is a need to let the list know the unsubscribed has been
messaged - so that the unsubscribed don't get the same message 99

 meaning that answers should go to the list period, and unsubscribed
 users should be informed when they arrive...

2) ... and *I* personally explained how to do that 15 months ago, on the
  OpenOffice users list. That's why I'm still a bit pissed, can I?
  Right now I get a "servlet error" by the oo.org search engine, but
  as soon as you can, you might want to read the thread (started on
  april 17, 2004) titled

  "[users] new solution for unsubscribed users, was: Who is CPH? "

  The way it's explained there needs some refinement, but it would
  definitely work as it should.


[Rant alert: Pedantry always brings out the worst in me. Those weak of constitution or easily stirred by vented annoyance and unbridled sarcasm might want to avoid this post.]

Yes, Mario, I remember. I am sure many on the list do. How could we forget? You were just as annoying then as you have been for the past few hours on this *same* topic. 15 months later. The irony is palpable.

My heartfelt recommendation is this: find another outlet for your energies or unsubscribe.

*I* don't have the problem backwards - you seem unwilling to accept the solution the list community has arrived at. Yes, Mario, the *list community* ignored your explanation. While the unsubscribed users *are* informed when an answer arrives, it just so happens that message does not always get sent as the original reply. Personally, I don't even look to see if the original poster is subscribed. I don't remember how and it's not something I normally think of while I am typing a reply. I'm just trying to help when I post. So...shoot me.

Better yet, Mario, get over it.

It's the way message lists work. They happen to all be governed by a bit of anarchy (yes, I realize those are contradictory terms - it's meant to be a little bit of sarcastic humor). Just because the anarchy is not a flavor Ayn Rand would approve doesn't mean you are going to be allowed to get your undies in a bundle without a challenge or two. (Yes, there are those who actually read your pithy little signatures. Yeah, that's more sarcasm.)


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