On Saturday 03 September 2005 04:21 am, M. Fioretti wrote:
> Just curious: are these (native installers for every possible Linux
> distro) an official oo.o effort? Because it would seem the same
> problem mentioned in
> http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/27/060210
> about extensions, that is the fact that (understandably) OO.o
> developers don't want to deal with all the possible variants of Linux
> packaging formats, system libraries etc...
> Ciao,
>  Marco

 I was wondering about whether there would be (is?) an official effort to do 
the various installer types.  I would imagine, however, that it would be more 
reasonable to do it as just two types: RPMs and a .bin installer (like in OOo 
1.x).  It would then be possible to create just small files for desktop 
integration specific to the various major distributions.  These files would 
associate links in KDE, Gnome, etc., and provide a couple mimetypes.

> Thanks a lot for your email. It sounds like you know quite a bit about 
>installers and it you are willing to contribute to this effort you can 
>actually improve OOo installers. Have a look at 
>http://installation.openoffice.org, join their mailing list (link on the 
>left), ask how you can help and VOILA! another great improvement to OOo!

 I would love to help out with this.  The only problem is that I'm really not 
very good at this sort of thing; I've read some about it, but pretty much all 
I've done myself is run rpm2targz and rpm2tgz.  I really would like to help 
out though, so if anybody's willing to teach me a little about how to do 
desktop integration, etc. I'll make an attempt at creating a file for 
 That said, I know that there is some effort to port OOo to every distribution 
imaginable.  This, in my opinion, is worthwhile, but not entirely necessary 
(see above).  Perhaps somebody who knows more about it than me can look into 
doing a Makeself installation?
 Thanks for your input.


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