Tomas Nopp wrote:

is there any plans or talk about making it possible to use OpenOffice as an online tool? What I mean is that OO will reside on a server from which you can run its applications by accessing them via internet. Like this you don't need to install it on the machine you are using. There are a number of reasons why this could be a useful feature like traveling, mobility, space problems and so on...

Regards / Tomas

If you use Linux you can already do this - install OpenOffice on a server, and then have Linux clients ssh into the server and run OpenOffice, exporting the display to the client computer. I'm not sure what the performance over the internet would be like, but on a LAN it works fine ( I just tested this ). Over ADSL2 it should be fine also.

As for implementing other ways of doing this - it's not going to happen. OpenOffice is a very complicated suite, and providing a rich GUI to a client that doesn't have OpenOffice installed is just not feasible without an existing framework for providing network transparency - as X does under Linux. You are most certainly not going to have some Java applet serving up an office suite. Developers have enough work on their hands just getting 2.0 released without having to rewrite the entire GUI to use Java widgets.

The 'space' argument for providing this functionality is also pretty unusual. OpenOffice takes up 268 MB on my system. That's nothing - even on laptops. If you want convience, buy yourself a USB memory stick, and put an OpenOffice installer on it. Then you can install OpenOffice wherever you go. Yay!

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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