Why on earth does the OO.o site not post, up front right in the heading, the full actual version number of the software being offered for download? Without this number, it is pretty much impossible tell if one already has the most current version or not. To find this number, one pretty much has to download the current version and install it, or at least unpack it.

For instance, six weeks ago I downloaded what was called only OpenOffice.org 2.0 "Beta 2". What was actually installed on my machine had the version number 1.9.125. Well actually, the heading above this says quite clearly 'OpenOffice.org 2.0.' Nowhere in my actual installed version is it actually called Beta 2.

Today, I noticed on the site that OO 2.0 "Release Candidate" is now available for download. No actual version number. So I downloaded this, thinking it was an updated version. Trying to install it, the install program informed me that I already had a LATER version of the program installed. Well that was a waste of a 75mb download. I still don't know what the actual version number of OO 2.0 this "RC1" might be.

How many terabytes of bandwidth is being wasted on similar clueless folks like me downloading software they don't actually need simply because they don't what version is being posted?

Finally, why is this office software called OpenOffice.org rather than simply OpenOffice? Isn't 'dot org' connoting a website rather than an app?

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