On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 12:10:51 -0500
Robert Derman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael Adams wrote:
> >On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 06:35:59 -0800
> >Greg Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>I've been using Open Office for a couple of months now.  I read with
> >>horror the news item highlighted on the OO homepage about "coupling"
> >>with Google.  No thanks!  If you put a Google toolbar in OpenOffice
> >be>sure you give me a way to get rid of it.  Google is a huge
> >corporation>with some rather questionable practices (IMHO).  Google
> >just might be >the next Microsoft. 
> >>
> >>-g. schmitz
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Personally to me its like having an advertising banner slapped across
> >the program.
> >
> >I read with interest the recent threads about NOT integrating a mail
> >client in OO.o. I hope the same sanity is the driving force here.
> >
> >I would be happiest if it was an optional downloadable add-on wizard
> >like the dictionaries. In other words opt-in not opt-out.
> >
> >  
> >
> Robert Derman replies:  Not having heard anything about any 
> modifications to the program to accomodate Google, I suspect that the 
> first big thing will be distribution and promotion of OOo by Google.  
> The result of that would be that the *average* computer user will 
> actually have heard of OOo, and being a free download, may actually
> have it on their machine.  With Google's rather substantial financial
> assets available, a browser interface, full email and calendar
> integration and some other goodies many of us have been wishing for in
> print on this list may happen sooner rather than later. 
>     I really don't think that there is much love lost between Google
>     and 
> Microsoft, and perhaps Google sees in OOo a very heavy club to hit M$ 
> with.  With OOo supporting OpenDocument and M$ Office not,
> Massachusets is probably just the first of many states to standardize
> on OOo.  OOo 2.0 is in most respects, a far superior program to OOo
> 1.x and OOo 1.x was already a strong competitor to M$ Office.  I have
> M$ Word on my computer, but I almost never use it because for most of
> my purposes Writer is a FAR better word processor!  Most of the things
> that people complain about on this list, are features that OOo already
> has, they just havn't been able to find them yet, or they are included
> in the new OOo 2.0.  If we have the good sense to include the new
> users manual as a PDF on the download, most of that will be solved. 
> Most of the other things sound more like minor code tweeks than major
> rewrites.  If Google were to make it possible for a few more
> programmers to be able to work on OOo full time, I think that most of
> these problems could be addressed in short order.
>     If governments and large corporations analize all the implications
> of OpenDocument support, M$ Office will become the next Wordstar or 
> Wordperfect!  Let me just say that I suspect that Google may be the
> best thing that ever happened to OOo, and then I will get down from my
> soapbox.

Sorry Robert, i am bowing out of this thread permanantly, not because it
doesn't interest me but because of the flame-baiting. I actually regret
my post as it helped to incite this fervour. I await the format in which
any integration MAY happen with interest and some reserves. Will keep my
eyes peeled for any news.


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