Thanks to all who made the launch of 2.0 so successful! As of this writing, I expect at least a million people have downloaded the application and have begun to use it.

The launch was brilliant.

it would not have been possible without the contributions of the mirrors (over 100!), without the dedication of the P2P group, led by Deepankar Datta, without the help of the website team, without the fantastic work of the PR group. I've already thanked some, but I'd like in particular to thank Charles Schulz, NLC lead, for his key suggestions and dedication in coordinating the NLC groups, Craig Adams for coming up with draft after draft and for his exemplary good humour and patience, Jacqueline McNally, Marketing lead, for putting together the strategy, Press Kit, marketing material and so much else, Javier Sola for sending in, at the last minute a breath of passion and good sense, Erwin Tenhumberg, for giving us sanity checks on what was said, Khirano, John McCreesh, Bernhard Dippold, and the PR list and IRC channel members for their company, comments, and more, Maarten Brouwers, Christian Lohmaier, Volker Merschmann, Kay Schenk, G. Roderick Singleton for the seagull emergent graphic(s) and for a clean website, and Stefan Taxhet, who made sure that everything was done and that the application was there for the demanding public.

And my thanks to the developers, the porters, localisers, supporters, NLC groups, and QA team who have made 2.0 what it is: The best, most reliable, most desired, most localised, most ported, most supported, and most promising free productivity suite in the world.

And if I failed to list all who made the launch so successful--well, my apologies!



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