On Sun October 16 2005 16:01, + Anthony Fielding wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Hey, for a while I have been thinking about how I could go about
> taking notes during lectures. I had been using one note for a while
> but then got sick of using such a horrible operating system. I then
> decided to write my own note taking application, but have since gave
> up realising that nothing i could write could ever meet the power of
> one note. One note was the one single reason I installed windows in
> the first instance.
> On a whim, I crated a master template for use with OO Writer, witch to
>  supprise work awsome because now I can use my fav os and office suite
> with all the tools combined.
> But, to conclude.. it would be cool if a note taking application could
> be included with the OO suite, and how many students have been waiting
> for such a tool :)

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Mon October 17 2005 08:14, Andrew Brown wrote:
> I'm using Onenote quite a lot myself at the moment, for two things. The
> most powerful is the way that annotations are automatically attached to
> the right place in audio recordings, so that I can jump instantly from my
> notes of an interview to the exact quote. I think it migh tbe possible to
> do something like that using OOo as a starting point.
> This would involve extending the capabilities of the Navigator if it were
> done throgouhly, but you could get a long way with macros anyway.
> There is, or was, a media player built in to OOo; even if it has fallen
> out of the 2.0 builds, there are plenty of python modules that will play
> sound files and can be built into OOo components. What's needed is a new
> bookmark type which would contain informaiton about where it is in an
> audio file as well as where it is in the page. This is the sort of thing
> that I suppose XML ought to make possible.
> Similarly, but much more easily, you could build "Note flags" into OOo,
> using characters styles. all one needs is a mapping between characters
> styles and categories of meaning -- everything Green and bold is a to-do,
> for example -- and then collecting all examples of that particular styl
> and being able to jump between them.
> The other nice thing about onenote -- the free-form, and infinitely
> extensible page that you write on -- is harder to imitate but may be less
> useful.
> But certainly onenote is a genuinely innovative product, and one of the
> nicest things that Microsoft has ever made.

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CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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