Le samedi 22 octobre 2005 à 22:32 +0200, Guido Pinkernell a écrit :
> Am Samstag, 22. Oktober 2005 10:43 schrieb Stephan Gromer:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am managing the PCs in a small university laboratory and I would
> > like to convert our M$-Office installations into OOo 2.0s during my
> > efforts to prepare the switch from WinXP to Linux. However, we
> > are an international crowd and (of course) everybody wants to use OOo
> > in its native language (Not only the dictionary which is simple. I
> > need the GUI adjusted for each user).
> So do you want to know how this is done on WinXP or on Linux - not clear 
> whether you want to make the move to OO.org first and later to Linux.

There should not be any problem under Linux - multi-langage is the norm
there and has been for a long time. Language market segmentation is
mostly a closed software thing. His problem is with windows, since no
one bothered to release a multi-language build for this platform yet.

Nicolas Mailhot

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