Guido Pinkernell wrote:

Am Montag, 24. Oktober 2005 02:52 schrieb Paul:
Nope. You have to get a login using the site, you
can then lodge a bug report.

Which you can do - after you got your login - in Issuezilla:

Your findings seem to be valuable, Joe. Please don't feel put of by the rather long instructions for filing reports. After you get the hang of it it's fairly easy.

Robert Derman replies: I have always felt that Issuezilla/Bugzilla sets the bar far too high for many simple end users! I feel that sometimes it is unreasonable to expect that they will, or even can, fill in a formal bug report. I think that we should have several Moderators/Intermediarys who can communicate with and "translate" the reports from simple end users into actual Issuezilla reports.

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