Robbie Darrell Graham said the following on 11/06/2005 06:59 PM:

Let me first said I love what is happen in Open It about
time  some one took on Microsoft the right way. But there needs to be
some more work done. I think for some one who works in an office you
need complete office suite with out have the following. Word Processing,
Spreadsheets,Drawing,Database,Sideshows,Address book,Email,Scheduling
all these program and data need to be easy to go between them.

Robbie Graham

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You are one of many.  Me too.  I too enjoy suite.  I enjoy
it at least $3500 worth. I saved at least that much not buying MS Office
for my office personnel.  This message is really for everybody who wants

Take your request, Robbie, for integration ...
Maybe if ...

   * OOo could link to T-bird's address book with the database
   * T-bird could use OOo's dictionary
   * OOo could produce the appropriate html or text output and put it
     into a Tbird compose window as an option additional to the normal
     attached doc method

that type of integration would be what some people are looking for.  I
have never heard what type of integration these people want.  They just
show up and make a kind of vague request.

If you are making such a request you have to understand how this system
works.  On the surface, you discuss the details on the list, get other
peoples reactions, file an enhancement request via registering with and then filling in a form at the issue tracking web site
at  Be
specific.  Programs cannot be vague.  Data may already be exchanged
bewteen applications via several routes, cut and paste being one.  An
issue may also be a feature request.  Issues do not have to be just bug
reports.  Other people may comment on your issue and vote for it, too.
Under the surface, Sun Micro Systems is responsible for 90%(guessing) of
the code development.  Maybe it's higher.
Look at it this way - this is a public forum for discussion of things to
do with  Discuss the details of how you think this
"integration" should be implemented.  If enough interest is generated,
you will get your wish.  This is very much un-like the way commercial
interests with propriatary applications software work.  OpenOffice .org
IS in the public interest.  So ... participate!  Have fun.  Get detailed.


Charlottesville, Virginia

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