Le vendredi 11 novembre 2005 à 01:19 -0600, Randomthots a écrit :
> mark wrote:

> The most prevalent means of spreading viruses is through binary 
> attachments to plain-text e-mail messages. Precisely the manner of 
> transmitting complex documents most loudly advocated for by those 
> opposing html-mail.

Any half-decent spam filter will treat attachements and core messages
the same ways. ie if it's blocked as attachement, it will be blocked as
message and the reverse is also true.

The problem is not "core" vs "attachements" but what you choose to
allow. And since ODF & HTML allow macros and waste bandwidth, they're
legitimate filter targets.

Better block some mime types altogether than have your filters perform
expensive analysis to check they've not been abused in all the ways they
can be. Especially on high-traffic mailing list servers where you have
to process a huge number of messages every minute.


Nicolas Mailhot

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