> 2005/11/12, Chad Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> For Pete's sake - OpenOffice.org (the program who's list were on) - opens the
> bloody formats! It reads them, edits them, saves them, creates them. OOo is
> crossplatfrom, so with *JUST* OOo and other OSes, anyone in the world can
> open, read, edit, save, and create MSO files without MS Software.

I hear this over and over. If this was true there would be no problem.
OOo and the others just handles what they've managed to figure out
from the MSO formats (by trial and error I suppose). This is *NOT* the
same thing as being able to handle MSO formats.
Chad could You please present a complete MSO file specification?

2005/11/12, Chad Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 11/12/05, Roger Markus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Chad - You have sworn that you're not on Microsoft's payroll, so why...
> > *why* are you always in the position of being an attack dog for that
> > illegal
> > company? It's very strange. I guess you're not on their payroll, but you
> > might as well be! As unrelenting PR attacks, your text is great for
> > Microsoft, but as a quest for the truth, what you write is pure nonsense!
> > You should be kicked out of the group!
> What unrelenting attack? All I've done in the past week is send in links to
> stories with quotes from those stories. Stories that show up in my RSS
> reader from Digg, ZDNet News, Eweek, and The OPen Source Weblog. If I see
> something that mentions - OOo, ODF, or a combination - and a story that
> hasn't already been mentioned on the list - I send it in.
> Stories like "A Detailed explaination of the new OOO 2.0 Toolbars". I don't
> know how that qualifies as a "unrelenting PR attack" from Microsoft.
> If you are referring to my statements that you don't need *any* Microsoft
> software to use MSO file formats - I don't see how thats an attack. For
> Pete's sake - OpenOffice.org (the program who's list were on) - opens the
> bloody formats! It reads them, edits them, saves them, creates them. OOo is
> crossplatfrom, so with *JUST* OOo and other OSes, anyone in the world can
> open, read, edit, save, and create MSO files without MS Software. I don't
> see how in the world that could be an attack for me saying that. MSO
> compatiblity is one of the main features that makes OOo valuable. Most
> people would never use OOo without that compatiblity. That's not an attack,
> it's a fact. And again, that's if only MSO and OOo supported the format, the
> world could go on using MSO formats and be MS free if they so desired. But
> many, most, actually darn-near all office suites and related software does
> MSO formats. That's not an attack - it's a fact. It's not some misguided
> "dogmatic" search for "Truth" - it's a simply statement of fact. Like the
> sky is blue and water is wet. And it's not an attack. I'm *glad* OOo
> supports MSO formats. It wouldn't be nearly as popular otherwise. I think
> that OOo does a very good job supporting MSO formats. There's no attack
> there.
> So, I'm really curious - what attacks have you seen from me lately? I
> realize many have singled me out as evil in the past, and I'm trying to be
> more of a team player. I'm sending what I think are useful, helpful links.
> I'm answering user questions, and I'm being mostly quiet about certain
> subjects that people disagree with me on.
> And, if you talking about my one "moron" statement - that was too some
> ignorant troll who was cussing about having sex with bugs, and claiming to
> hate office suites. And since OOo *is* an office suite - I saw *that* as an
> attack on OOo. So, while I might have been feeding a troll with my outburst,
> I hardly think that qualifies as an "attack" on OOo.
> --
> - Chad Smith
> http://www.gimpshop.net/
> Because everyone loves free software!

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