Daniel Kasak wrote:

Stop right there.

You admit that the Windows port of Evolution is progressing slowly. Why would that be?

Perhaps it's a big task?
Perhaps there aren't many developers on it?
Perhaps it needs more testing?

So. What are we going to do about it?

a) Every many and his dog say "F*** this. I'm going to write my own email client". I'll see you in 5 years. b) Make the most use of already scarce resources, and help out the strongest looking package(s) out there.

People keep demanding that OOo developers drop everything and write an email client,

I haven't heard anyone *demanding* anything... except you that is. Demanding that we not even talk about the possibility.

otherwise they won't switch, and not only that, they don't know anyone else who will switch either.

You're just making that part up.

Jumping up and down and demanding

You again. The jumping up and down and demanding.

that a large project such as an email / contact / calendaring project be done *right* *now*

I haven't seen anyone use any words to that effect. Personally, my desires are aimed at the future. I wouldn't be disappointed if Novell announced a finished port of Evolution and work progressed toward integration with OOo for the 3.0 or 4.0 release though. Or if the Tbird crew made some progress on Lightning and that was integrated into OOo.

*or* *else* will get you no-where fast.

Point to any post on this forum like that. Mr. Stainsby was simply reporting the feedback he's getting from his customers.

The simple fact is that a lot of people are already using OpenOffice. They found a way.

Yeah, I use OOo all the time. Love it. But I don't have any great need for the kind of integrated functionality you get with Outlook+MSO. If I *did* have such a need, the license savings from using OOo likely wouldn't be worth the loss of function.

Why can't people get over themselves and use an existing application.

Without an email/pim component many will do just that. It's called MSO. Is that what you really want?

Don't like Evolution? Fine. Test it. Submit bug reports. Hassle the developers to hurry up with their Windows port. Do you really think that you're going to get a better product in less time by insisting that OOo include every function under the sun?

Reductio ad absurdum. I have yet to hear a call for a Tetris component, music composition, or audio editing, for instance. Last I checked those *are" functions and they *are* under the sun.

You're not. You're just making noise

What's that buzzing from down under?

and demonstrating that you don't have a grasp on how to use open source software. Use the tools that are already available. If there is a problem / lack of features / whatever, then submit bugs / features requests against that existing product. Duplication is a waste of resources,

Sourceforge.net lists 105,746 active projects. A good case could be made that open-source development is the most unfocused, undisciplined, and wasteful phenomenon in the history of software. Starting "yet another" project is practically a revered tradition, so *suggesting* that OOo should somehow integrate an email/calendar/pim, preferably by cooperating with the Mozilla project, is actually quite conservative.

and as we've already agreed, the functionality that you're after is non-trivial and will take a long time to complete. Better help out on that Windows port of Evolution.

How about we get a bunch of developers from other similar projects together for that? Sourceforge lists 80 projects just under the rubric of "To-Do Lists", 306 under "Office Suites", 149 under "Project Management", 901 under "Scheduling", and 89 under "Time Tracking". Granted that some projects are cross-listed and many others inhabit peripheral niches, that is still a h*** of a lot of duplication. What's that you were saying about understanding how open-source software works?



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